25 Years of Printmaking! Do we ever think about what we will be doing in 10 years let alone 25? So many faces float into view when I think about the time that too quickly passed. People we have been fortunate to know and to work with.
The only thing that I can feel is gratitude for everyone who has given of their time and energy. Support from hundreds of people in a hundred different ways. Without your assistance, encouragement, and ideas, the place would not have made it.
The ephemera table, postcards & newsletters, snippets of AG's history. Sue Coe, Margo Humphrey, Hollis Sigler and Anita Jung on the back wall.
Fred Stonehouse, Karl Wirsum and Richard Hull Lithographs
Installation view, Artist in Residence wall
Lithographs by Nyame Brown & Kerry James Marshall.
Woodcut print and block by Katrina Andry |
Thanks, everyone for making this happen.
Stay tuned, Anchor Graphics is now the Center for Collaborative Research.