Monday, December 9, 2019

Printing @ the Civil War Museum

This year during the 2019 Winter Christmas event held at the Kenosha Civil War Museum,  we gave away over a hundred prints to youngsters of all ages.

Green or Red!

This year's printers assistant.
We even had a soldier from the Civil War pull a print! 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Students from Reuther Center High School with CCR at the Space

On October 24th CCR was invited to make paper and print T-shirts with Ruether High School art students. The students also had an opportunity to work with Yanos,  a tie-dye maker. Thanks, Amy and Ashlee for making this happen, and to the Kenosha Creative Space for hosting the workshops.

Ruether Art students with teachers, Amy Misurelli-Sorenson & Ashlee Rosko and guest artists Yano & Marilyn Propp, 

Ruether Students Making paper with Marilyn Propp @ the Space

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

25 years Anchor Graphics opening @ the Hokin Project room , Columbia College Chicago

25 Years of Printmaking!  Do we ever think about what we will be doing in 10 years let alone 25?  So many faces float into view when I think about the time that too quickly passed. People we have been fortunate to know and to work with.

The only thing that I can feel is gratitude for everyone who has given of their time and energy.  Support from hundreds of people in a hundred different ways. Without your assistance, encouragement, and ideas, the place would not have made it.

The ephemera table, postcards & newsletters, snippets of AG's history.
 Sue Coe, Margo Humphrey, Hollis Sigler and Anita Jung on the back wall.
Fred Stonehouse, Karl Wirsum and Richard Hull Lithographs

Installation view,  Artist in Residence wall

Lithographs by Nyame Brown & Kerry James Marshall.

Woodcut print and block by Katrina Andry

Thanks, everyone for making this happen.  
Stay tuned, Anchor Graphics is now the Center for Collaborative Research.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Anchor Graphics 25 years

Anchor Graphics: 25 Years of Printmaking

Anchor Graphics: 25 Years of Printmaking

Thursday, October 17 at 5:00pm to 8:00pm
 Hokin Project
623 S Wabash Ave, 1st Floor, Chicago, IL 60605

An Anchor Graphics retrospective exhibition.
Anchor Graphics was a not-for-profit fine art press that brought together, under professional guidance, a diverse community of youth, emerging and established artists, and the public to advance the fine art of printmaking by integrating education with the creation of prints. The press was founded by David Jones and Marilyn Propp, and later became a program of the Art and Art Design department within Columbia College Chicago’s School of Fine and Performing Arts in 2006 and continued its mission within the college until 2015.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

POW at the 2019 Milwaukee Makers Faire

CCR's POW inside The Wisconsin Center

 Saturday and Sunday, Sept 14th and 15th CCR  drove its POW to participate in the Makers Faire at the Wisconsin Center in Downtown Milwaukee.

CCR Co-Founder Marilyn Propp showing visitors how paper is made.  We had hundreds of Maker Faire attendees stop by our booth and participate in our Make A Sheet Take A Sheet papermaking, and relief printing demonstrations.

The relief printing station featuring Cranfield Inks is ready to go.
UWM Print Club Members prepping for  the day's activities 

Our neighbors and  collaborators, the UWM Print Club in Action

Sunday, August 18, 2019

POW at Union Park Art Market

On Sunday, August 18th,  a powerful storm blew through Kenosha, downing trees, blowing out power, and from what I heard, had some of the Art Market participants running for cover.  Our POW showed up after the storm. We waited and eventually about five artists decided to set up for the art market anyway. The day turned out to be beautiful and some folks even showed up to see what we were doing. A good time was had by all. 

I'd like to thank Beth Dary of Lemon Street Gallery for inviting us. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Move to Milwaukee Continued.

July 24, 2019

I was uploading photos from today and lost all but the images of the truck pulling into the storage site
Jessica Meuninck Ganger took some wonderful images on her phone and posted them to facebook. Once again the Crew from ARS was fantastic.  Plus we got everything in our two 10' square lockers perfectly. No room for extras... The next challenge is to find a permanent home.

In Storage.  photo, ,Jessica  Meuninck Ganger

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


On Tuesday Morning, the riggers from ARS Contracting Inc began loading up the presses, stones, tables, etc.  They will deliver the equipment,  tomorrow Wednesday  Stay tuned... A shout out to Chris Flynn, Duncan MacKenzie and Chris Kerr,  who made this happen.

As you can see the Anchor Graphics as we know it is no more.
Chris Flynn took these images of the move.  It is a sad time,  but  we hope  for new beginnings

Marilyn Propp & POW @ RAM (Racine Art Museum) Making Paper

July 20, 2019

Setting up in front of RAM (Racine Art Museum) Marilyn Propp setting up her papermaking station.

POW looking out!

And the storm arrives

Marilyn Propp pulls another sheet.

Draining a  fromed sheet,  almost ready to couch.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Silver City Taco Truck Party, organized by Julio Miguel, sponsored by Velobahn Coffee & Cycle

On July 12, 2019
 Silver City Taco Truck Party, sponsored by Velobahn Coffee & Cycle, organized byJulio Miguel!! We're excited to bring the Press on Wheels (POW) and offer screen + block printing! Free t-shirts and posters sponsored by the ACLU of WI and Center for Collaborative Research!

A few images from the event

The holy family, immigrants seeking a better life,  detained by ICE.

Jessica sharing the finer points of screen printing.
POW & UWI under the tents...
Making prints
A few relief prints of the day on hand made paper