Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Civil War Museum Kenosha WI

On Dec 1st  CCR setup it's Press on Wheels  at Civil War Museum  in Kenosha WI,  We printed  pretty much non stop from 11AM until 4:30 PM.  We printed  over 100 Seasons greetings cards.

Before the event at the Civil War Musum.

We used an image from an 1860's illustration by Thomas Nast. 

Anyone who  was interested in operating the press received a freshly printed card.  

What is really gratifying though is to watch the reaction of someone witnessing an impression being pulled from an inked block for the very first time.

2016  Civil Seasons Greetings Card 

 Or vision is to expand the capability to provide print and paper making activities to young people, seniors, veterans etc, regardless of ability to pay. We have always believed that it is more important to create opportunities for people to experience new things. Ability to pay should never be a roadblock to participation. 

CCR welcomes your inquiries and invitations. Check out our  fundraising campaign-

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Makers Faire Milwaukee

Last week we were invited by the PRINT CLUB of the University of  Wisconsin Milwaukee to set up our POW next to their Steamroller Printmaking event. It was scheduled as a two-day event.

We loaded up our etching press, and our paper press and drier system. Our POWvehicle lumbered up to Milwaukee from our base in Kenosha, making it our longest trip to date. November we'll drive it to Madison for two weekends for a papermaking event with veterans. More to come on that.

The CCR POW booth and the UWM PNF booth ready for the crowds

Jessica Meuninck Ganger working with UWM students at the PNF printmaking tent

Watching young people respond to prints and printmaking is always a joy.

CCR had their relief and paper maker station and the UWM PNF students had their steamroller large scale print and block printing station set up and we printed up a storm. 

We printed so much, that it did in fact storm, which meant the next day we would set up our printmaking tents indoors, sans steamroller and papermaking activities.

UWM students and the CCR staff waiting for the crowds to flood in.

Her first print. 

Captivated by print
 After showing hundreds of people what we do we loaded up our POW and headed back to Kenosha.

Monday, July 16, 2018

POW @ the Boys and Girls Club in Kenosha

On June 28th CCR's Press On Wheels made a stop at the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha where we conducted a drypoint workshop for  10 to 20 kids.  It was an exciting event with the kids getting inky and others wanting in on the opportunity to learn and experience printmaking.

Thanks to the enthusiastic support of artist Julia Schiller for facilitating this workshop.

Julia provided us with a few photographs of the workshop.  

 If you are interested in having CCR's POW visit your community let us know.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer means Paper and Print making

CCR Co-founder Marilyn Propp, introducing Kenosha Creative Space volunteer Lonique the subtleties and wonder of making paper at the Kenosha Simmons Island Beach Party held June 15 & 16th 2018.

Making paper at the Racine Art Museum, Kids Day June 15, 2018

Relief printing demo @ Our Lady of Grace Academy, June 1st 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

The first drawing of the inside of our 2000 ford E350 POW vehicle

Can you imagine your logo somewhere on the side or back of the truck?  Our sponsors' logos will appear on the truck.

 Get in on the fun!!!
 And it begins; the raw space, the blank canvas. This is the interior of our POW vehicle.

When complete, we will be able to bring drypoint, relief, screen printing, and papermaking to you, wherever you are!

Got any ideas? 
Contact us. 

We are taking Print and Papermaking 
on the road.

Jack Kerouac, here we come!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

CCR receives Grant

The Center for Collaborative Research received a grant for $1400.00 from the Kenosha Community Foundation to enable us to build robust marketing tools and to pay for our PPOW program.
This is an affirmation from the community that we are moving in the right direction.
Thank you for your continued support, KCF!

There has been a flurry of activity these last few days.
We are still seeking support for fixing up our donated van for our PPOW program. You can go to our generosity page: Support the van: Paper & Press On Wheels

And in our partnership with the Kenosha Creative Space, we are putting out a call for the KCS first Juried Exhibit.
The link to the call and submission portal is

And on another note, Marilyn Propp (our co-founder) has some wonderful pieces in the traveling "Pulped Under Pressure" Exhibition at Lawrence University, Appleton Wisconsin Curated by Reni Gower and Melissa Potter, with accompanying catalog: pulped-under-pressure

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The New Van! Donated and Dedicated to PPOW

It's official- the title was transferred today. Now we can outfit the interior to accommodate our portable press and papermaking equipment for Press and Paper on Wheels.