Tuesday, August 22, 2017

First Prints

Zoe has agreed to share a couple of the images she created at last week's drypoint workshop. These are her first prints-- not bad!!!

Sign up for our next workshop, which will be on September 5th. Don't be shy, explore drypoint printmaking @ CCR.

Red Violet
5" x 8" drypoint on paper
Zoe Ernest 2017   

Blue Power
5" x 8" drypoint on paper
Zoe Ernest 2017   

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Our first young printmakers workshop

It seems all good things start small. If that is the case, then we expect extraordinarily amazing activities to follow.  Our first workshop for young children was small, but Zoe and Lucy dug in and made some wonderful work. (I'll post pictures of the work later).  If you would like to explore printmaking, have some fun, and rediscover your inner child, contact us.

Lucy and Zoe inking their drypoint plates

Lucy helping with cleanup. 

Zoe at the press

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Final Summer Papermaking Class was Fantastic!

Liz Tercek's painted handmade sheet. This was her first time making paper.

Liz creating her painted image on her formed sheet

Liz Tercek and Nancy Barasch working on their sheets. Nancy signed up for all three workshops!

Nancy's grandson joined us for the first day.

Nancy's final experimentation after 5 weeks: pigmented cast paper from an antique doll's head.
 This will be attached to another of her formed sheets.

Nancy's landscapes were experimental and very successful: double-couching and watermarks!

Liz exploring pulp painting for the first time.

One of Liz's double-couched and  pulp painted sheets.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

new classes and workshops

The Center for Collaborative Research
Press and Paper on Wheels

Fall Classes 2017


Call 773-746-3241 or email centerforcollaborativeresearch@gmail.com
A $10 deposit saves your place in the class.

Classes will be held at St. Matthew’s Guild Hall, 5900 7th Ave, Kenosha, on the 2nd floor.

*All classes are taught by David Jones, Director, Master printer and co-founder of the CCR. Previously the Director of Anchor Graphics, Chicago and adjunct faculty at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.*

NEW POW (Press on Wheels)
Are you interested in having us host a workshop in your studio, home, Community Center, Classroom or Creative Space? Contact us to discuss possibilities, costs, and availability about workshops tailored specifically to your groups' needs.

 Call 773-746-3241 or email centerforcollaborativeresearch@gmail.com

Classes 2017

Drypoint for Kids 1-day session. Noon to 3PM
Elementary school age
Class size limit 8
Want to get inky? Bring your own drawings or family photos, size 5” x 7”. We’ll provide the plexi, inks, etching tools, and etching press. Make your own etchings, learn how to ink them, run them through the press, and print multiples. This is a non-toxic method.
Instructor: David Jones. Class fee is $35 plus $5 materials fee.

Drypoint on Plexi 2-day session
Class size limit 8
For all levels. You don’t need to know how to draw to create etchings. Bring your photographs or other images to place under plexi, size 5” x 7.” With this non-toxic method, you’ll use an engraving tool to cut beautiful drypoint lines into the plexi by tracing your images. You’ll ink up your plate and print it by hand on the etching press. A small edition can be printed.
Instructor: David Jones. $65 plus $10 materials fee

Xerox Transfer 2-day session
MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH and 20th, 6 – 9
Class size limit 8
For all levels. A transfer process that transforms black and white xerox copies into paper-plate lithographs. Using color ink, you’ll ink up your plates and print them by hand on an etching press, producing a one-of-a-kind print. 
Bring multiple B & W xerox copies, size 8 ó” x 11,” of photographs, drawings, scanned images, and/or collages to transform into prints.
Instructor: David Jones. $65 plus $10 materials fee

NEW Multi color or CMYK Xerox Transfer 4-day session

Class size limit 8
If you loved the Xerox transfer class, you’ll love this workshop. We will teach you how to print multi colored xerox transfer prints. Build on what you know!! We will use a xerox type copy transfer process that transforms black and white xerox copies into color prints. Using color ink, you’ll ink up your plates and print them by hand on an etching press, producing a one-of-a-kind colored print. Bring multiple B & W xerox copies, size 8.5” x 11,” of photographs, drawings, scanned images, and/or collages to transform into prints.
Instructor: David Jones. $120 plus $10 materials fee

NEW Directed Exploration Wednesday Evening Session

Class limit 8
For those who have completed CCR classes or are experienced printmakers. Do you need a space to work on your prints? Take your images to the next level. CCR offers this opportunity to receive instruction as well as provide you with the space to explore your creativity. Supported Processes: xerox transfers and dry-point prints.
Instructor: David Jones. $25 plus $5 materials fee per session. Pre registration required.
Reserve your spot now!

Thank you to all our supporters, especially,       
The Kenosha Community Foundation 
&  a proud partner with the Kenosha Creative Space

David Jones demonstrating the Xerox Transfer printing process to his students.