Thursday, January 19, 2017

A New Year

It's 2017 and things are moving slowly, but moving. We have received our IRS 501c3 determination letter, and certification from the State of Wisconsin we are now permitted to engage in business as a charitable organization.

Our new home will be in the Kenosha Creative Space 
along with other creative entities.

Vacant since 2005,the old Kresge building at 5722 Sixth Ave. in downtown Kenosha is set for renovation and repurposing to house local arts organizations and a large artists’ workshop under financing that includes $174,600 in federal funding allocated by the city under the Community Development Block Grant program.

We are raising funds to help with the build out and acquiring equipment so that print related activities, such as classes, Artist Residencies, exhibitions, workshops for young people and collaborations with artists from all over the world can begin again